What Is Shaddock Fruit Good For?
What Is Shaddock Fruit Good For?
Shaddock,(Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis), is the largest and most magnificent citrus fruit from the family Rutaceae, and is a non-hybrid (not born as a result of crossing breeding different types of fruits) sweet and tangy fruit, native to Southeast Asia and Africa, it’s is also called ‘pomelo’ or ‘African shaddock’
The shaddock is commonly mistaken for grapefruit. Although the shaddock is identical in taste (and sometimes ‘size’) to a sweet grapefruit, the difference could be noted in the peels, color, etc.
Shaddock has trees that reach 6–13 meters in height. The oval evergreen leaves have broadly winged petioles and are downy on the undersurface, as are the young shoots.
The flowers are large and white and are succeeded by very large spheroid or almost pear-shaped fruits, which are lemon-yellow to green in color and have a sweet flavor. The pulp segments are either pallid or pink and shell out easily from the thick rind.
Nutritional values of African Shaddock
- Pomelo has the highest amount of vitamin C in the citrus family, because of its size.
- It also possesses a lot of Vitamin B.
- It contains high amount of Folic acid and Beta carotene.
- Shaddock has high potassium content, which keeps the heart Healthy.
- It also contains, a good amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin B2.
- Other values include; Bioflavonoid, Healthy Fats, pectin, and Fiber.
Health Benefits of Shaddock Fruit.
Aids Weight Loss
Shaddock has very high dietary fiber content and healthy fats, which helps in attaining healthy weight loss goals.
Just like most fruits and citrus, they make you feel full for longer periods of time, and at the same time release enzymes that combat fats responsible for weight gain.
Debates Urinary Infections
Increased consumption of Pomelo can help to fight urinary tract infection; This is an infection caused by a painful bacteria that affects the urinary tract system which creates, stores, and removes urine. This infection is prominent in pregnant women and the Vitamin C in Pomelo increases the acid level in urine, thereby restricting the development of bacteria in the urinary tract.
Promotes a Healthy Heart.
As earlier stated,Shaddock fruit is very rich is potassium, which plays an important and leading role in supporting the heart.
The Potassium contained in shaddock regulates blood pressure level and reduces bad cholesterol in the body. It also helps to clear arterial deposits in the body, thereby reducing the risk of stroke, hypertension, and heart attack.
Helps to Resist Cancer.
The fruit and skin of the shaddock fruit is also full of bioflavonoids, an antioxidant that prevents intestinal, pancreatic and breast cancer. It eliminates excess estrogen from the body, preventing the cancer from spreading. It also contains high amounts of fiber, which protects the body from colon cancer.
Encourages Prevention of Anemia.
Shaddock fruit which is very rich in Vitamin C helps the body Prevent Anemia (blood shortage in the body),this is because, Vitamin C enhances the absorption of Iron in the body, therefore a lack of Vitamin C can lead to Anemia.
Regular consumption helps to increase iron in the body and improve blood circulation, it also serves to stimulate the antibodies and immune cells to guard the body from bacteria that cause cold, flu, asthma, and allergies.
Prevents Aging and Improves Looks
Pomelo contains antibodies like Spermidine, which protects the cells from free radicals that may lead to aging.
It’s high Vitamin C content boosts the collagen production in the body, that keeps the skin firm,combats wrinkles and skin sagging, and makes the skin look, beautiful and youthful.
Helps in Digestion.
Because of it’s high vitamin C content, pomelo helps to improve the digestive system.
The acidic content in Vitamin C helps breaks down the food in to smaller particles for proper digestion to occur.
It Contains dietary Fiber which aids in preserving normal bowel movements.
Pomelo is Rich in Antioxidants
Pomelos are potentially rich in antioxidants that prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals, that further result in various chronic health problems. Pomelos are a rich source of antioxidants like naringin, which are commonly found in citrus fruits.
They also contain another flavonoid known as lycopene. All of these are known for their anti-inflammatory and healthy properties.
Although pomelo is not as common as the rest of its citrus cousins, it is as beneficial as any of them, if not more.
You must make sure that you are devoid of any allergies that may arise from consuming pomelo, as this may lead to severe health complications.
What Is Shaddock Fruit Good For?