Waterleaf And Waterleaf Juice Its Benefits And Effects On Pregnancy
Waterleaf And Waterleaf Juice Its Benefits And Effects On Pregnancy
Waterleaf And Waterleaf Juice Its Benefits And Effects On Pregnancy. Waterleaf is a green plant that reoccurs without cessation throughout the year. They are consumable without causing harm to one’s health as it is used in cooking soup and stew in some parts of the world popularly Nigeria.
Waterleaf botanically referred to as Talinum triangulare is mainly seen in the rainy season. It grows naturally just like weeds. It is mainly found in the South.
It is called Gbure in Yoruba, Mgbolodi in Igbo, Ebe dondon or Efor in Edo. Waterleaf is a perishable plant it can remain fresh for a short period just like every other vegetable.
Although waterleaf is a vegetable and contains essential nutrients, it is underrated and not valued compared to other vegetables. To some persons, it is weeds that grow all year that should be uprooted.
Waterleaf And Waterleaf Juice Its Benefits And Effects On Pregnancy
Waterleaf mainly contains water, protein, and other nutrients. Some of the benefits of consuming this vegetable include;
Improves blood cells
Waterleaf contains Nitrogen, vitamins, and herbal extracts to enhance muscular development. It is also important in the development of blood cells i.e red and white blood cells.
Enable Organs and Tissues to Function Properly
The main component of waterleaf is water and the body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to function properly.
It moistens tissues such as those in the mouth, eyes, and nose, regulates the body temperature, lubricates joints, and helps dissolve minerals and other nutrients to make them accessible to the body. It supplies oxygen and blood to where needed in the body.
Eliminates Infection and Diseases
Waterleaf contains nutrients that are essential for the treatment of diseases. It is mainly used locally by traditional healers for treating malaria, typhoid, wound, etc. Juice can be made from it and it is advised by traditional healers to be taken every morning to wash the body system and prevent some sicknesses and diseases.
Eases Digestion
It has been proven through research that waterleaf prevents dehydration and constipation. Therefore, it aids proper digestion of food. Fresh or boiled water leaf used in cooking soup or stew should be eaten by those having issues with digestion.
Waterleaf makes the enzymes in the stomach act on existing food and enables you to empty your bowels thereby preventing constipation or difficulty to stool.
Aids Weight Loss
Waterleaf contains fiber and water. Fiber aids Weight loss. People who add more fiber in their diet lose more weight than those who follow a healthy dieting plan.
Constant intake of fiber promotes weight loss by reducing appetite thereby making one not have the urge to eat as often as they would have.
The water contained in waterleaf also helps in weight loss as it is 100% free from calories.
Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke
Constant eating of waterleaf daily can prevent the possibility of heart disease. Just like other vegetables, it keeps the body fit and healthy.
It also protects against heart disease, structural problems, blood clot and high blood pressure (hypertension)
Read Also; How to get the best from your fruits and vegetables
It enhances Cognitive Ability
Waterleaf improves one’s mental ability, perception, reasoning, and retaining ability.
It boosts the neutrons and cerebrum to enhance retentive memory.
Pharmacological uses
Waterleaf has quite a several pharmacological such as
- It acts as an agent that prevents counteract inflammation.
- It inhibits the growth of fungi, antimycotic
- It acts as an agent that kills bacterial
- It can be used to prevent hypertension
Treatment of Diabetes
Waterleaf controls the sugar level of the body. A diabetic patient is advised to eat water leaf/ water leaf soup regularly
Most of the food that constitutes a standard diet for some people contain a high quantity of glucose. Waterleaf is calorie and glucose-free thereby keeping us fresh and healthy.
Do you know that juice can be made from a water leaf? A liquid can be extracted from the vegetable to get vitamins and minerals. This is called Juicing.
How waterleaf Juice can be made
Slice the waterleaf into a bowl (slice both the leave and the stem)
Put the waterleaf in a blender, add enough water and blend it till it’s very smooth. Filter the liquid into a bowl and blend the extract to get more liquid
Combine all the liquid and sieve to prevent the juice mixing with some particles. Then you are left with a dark green liquid.
Your juice is ready.
Waterleaf for a pregnant woman
Waterleaf is a very safe and healthy vegetable for a pregnant woman. It is referred to as a blood-pumping machine because of its ability to produce blood in the human body.
It helps to increase the blood level of a pregnant woman and help improve her health generally by supplying her with other essential nutrients.
Good information
Wow I just have to try this water leaf juice. Thanks