Gongolili Health Benefits For Females
Gongolili Health Benefits For Females
Gongolili is a plant that has been used by many women for centuries. It is a herbaceous plant of the Poaceae (grasses) family.
Gongolili or vetivar or Chrysopogon nigritanus is a highly beneficial plant to women. If you are a woman and you have blocked fallopian tubes, you need gongolili to unclog your tubes.
This plant is also a miracle cure for you if you have a problem with cervical mucus or a problem of conception.
The Origin of Gongolili
This plant is native to India and is mostly found in tropical areas of the world.
It is often introduced by industries using aromatic oil supplied by its roots, it grows well in the Caribbean, South America, Africa, and the Eastern Mediterranean.
The name gongolili in the Dioula language took precedence over vetiver in French, over Chrysopogon nigritanus the scientific name.
This plant occurs in the form of green tufts, the root of which growing vertically can reach a depth of about 2-3 meters.
The gongolili roots are harvested then dried for better conservation.
Gongolili Health Benefits For Female
Gongolili plant is widely used by females for its many health benefits
It helps to hydrate your skin and remove every form of skin dryness, giving it a glossy look. It is an excellent anti-stress, fighting nervousness and anxiety
This plant also naturally humidifies the vagina and protects against vaginal infections, odours, and wounds.
The Gongolila root is used to make medicine. Traditionally it has the following therapeutic actions;
- Antiseptic
- Diaphoretic
- Antispasmodic
- Depurative
- Rubefacient
- Sedative
Its function is in the strengthening of bones, the treatment of rheumatism, gout, muscle aches, dryness, cramps, and dry skin.
Gongolili acts as an aphrodisiac for all the females experiencing a drop in libido. This root can help boost your desire and pleasure.
It is naturally antimicrobial and antiseptic, fighting against intimate infections of any kind of mycosis, bad odours, white losses, and itching.
Gongolili relieves painful sores and positively influences healing after birth. It helps to improve digestion and facilitate intestinal transit.
It can help aid weight loss because of its diuretic virtues. It is used to treat sores and bloating in children.
Gongolili Benefits in Pregnancy
In the case of infertility in women, you can take a potion from the first day of menstruation until the 14th day and stop to continue if non-pregnancy persists.
How to make and use gongolili
It can be used either cold, lukewarm, or hot.
To used it cold;
Take a litter can and fill it with water then you will put the gongolili roots inside and let it macerate for 24 hours and drink it at any time of the day.
You can also make it by putting it into a container of hot water and leave it for about 5-8 hours to allow the nutrient to infuse into it.
Finally, you can steam bath it by putting hot water into a vessel then add gongolili roots and let the steam rise for about 10-15 minutes.
Gongolili Health Benefits For Females