Benefits Of Nutmeg To Females And Its Side Effects
Benefits Of Nutmeg To Females And Its Side Effects
What is Nutmeg?
Nutmeg is a well-used natural spice with a delicate and somewhat sweet taste that is used to flavor food all over the world.
It is scientifically referred to as Myristica fragrans, the spice of the nutmeg is extracted from the seeds of the nutmeg tree which is indigenous to the Caribbean, Southern India as well as other tropical regions of the world.
For decades nutmeg has been a well-valued spice not only because of its distinct taste but also because of its health benefits.
Unknown to many people nutmeg has a variety of uses aside from cooking. Its uses range from relieving pain to easing digestion and even treating bad breath.
In this article we are going to be exploring the numerous benefits nutmeg offers to females and the body in general.
The essential oil gotten by steam distillation from nutmeg is used widely in the pharmaceutical industry.
The leaves and others parts of the nutmeg tree can also be processed to produce these oil or nutmeg butter that is used in the beauty and health industry.
The oil gotten from nutmeg is light yellow or colorless. It smells and tastes just like the nutmeg itself.
This oil contains a majority of the nutmeg active ingredients and it is used as a natural food flavoring in baked food, syrups, sweets, and beverages.
The oil is a good replacement for the great ground nutmeg as it leaves no particles in the food after food preparation.
The oil is also used in some toothpaste, and as a major ingredient in some cough syrups.
Benefits Of Nutmeg To Females And Its Side Effects
The Benefits of Nutmeg to Females
Below are some of the benefits of nutmeg consumption in females.
Boost libido
This nut is well known for its ability to increase erotic sensation in women. It works like magic by mimicking the effects of the popular feel-good hormone, serotonin, which plays a good role in setting one’s mood right.
Coupled with this hormonal control it has a natural seductive aroma that helps calms the nerves thus letting you focus on the task at hand and you have all you need to boost your libido to a good level.
Relieves pain
The volatile oil contained in nutmeg has anti-inflammatory properties which make the spice useful in treating muscle and joint pain. This is possible because of one of the components found in nutmeg which acts similarly to menthol.
When nutmeg powder is heated on a pot and mixed with its oil and when applied externally, it is known to relieve rheumatic pain, neuralgia, and sciatica.
This balm also relieves menstrual cramps, muscular and joint pain and is also used as an excellent sedative. Nutmeg at as a pain reliever due to its many essential oils such as elemicin, eugenol, myristicin, and safrole.
Treat bad breath
Nutmeg oil helps to eliminate bad breath. It can do this due to the antiseptic properties that make it effective in combating bad breath, toothaches, and aching gums.
Did you know that since ancient times the spice has been used in ancient dental practices and was even considered to be the king of spices when it comes to oral health?
The spice’s ability to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath (halitosis) and boost the immunity of one’s teeth and gums making it effective in controlling bad breath.
Even now, nutmeg and its extracts are common ingredients in organic and herbal varieties of toothpaste as well as mouthwashes due to the anti-bacterial component.
Benefits Of Nutmeg To Females And Its Side Effects
Treat insomnia
Various ancient medicinal practices acknowledged nutmeg for its sleep-inducing and distressing effects. Since ancient times, nutmeg paste made by mixing nutmeg and honey has been given to infants who cry at night to soothe and lull them to sleep.
This is possible because nutmeg contains a high content of magnesium, which has been known to decrease nervous tension and even facilitates the release of serotonin.
This hormone induces a feeling of relaxation or sedation which finally results in sleep. You can reap this nutmeg health benefits by adding a pinch of nutmeg to warm milk.
This mixture should be taken at least 15 minutes before bed to give time for the effects to kick in.
Lowers blood pressure and improves circulation
Nutmeg is known to contain several useful minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese which are all essential for various functions in the body. Because of this, nutmeg is recognized as a valuable spice that helps to maintain organ function.
For example, the potassium present in nutmeg is a vasodilator, which relaxes blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure and lowering the strain on one’s cardiovascular system.
This means you can use nutmeg oil benefits to manage hypertension attacks. In addition to this, the calcium found in nutmeg is known to boost the health of bones through repair and rejuvenation.
Furthermore, the iron present in nutmeg boosts red blood cell count and reduces the chances of developing symptoms of iron deficiency or even anemia.
Treats leukemia
Another of the many eating nutmeg benefits is the role it plays in curing leukemia. Studies indicate that methanolic compounds present in nutmeg and its essential oil can be used to induce cell death (apoptosis) in leukemia cells.
Hence, stopping the spread and metastasis of this terrible variety of cancer that commonly affects children.
Cures depression and anxiety
Did you know that nutmeg is also effectively used to control depression and anxiety? The spice is known to be an effective ingredient for treating depression and anxiety as its essential oil tends to ease fatigue and emotional stress.
Nutmeg has adaptive properties that allow it to act as both a stimulant and sedative. Therefore, in times of great stress, these properties kick in and lower blood pressure. As a result, one’s mood is lifted.
In addition to this, nutmeg also acts as a tonic and stimulant. These properties come in handy when you are recovering from an illness or are overtired.
Another important benefit of nutmeg is the fact that nutmeg also helps enhance concentration.
Helps detoxify the body
Detoxification is vital to good health. Toxins build up very quickly in the kidney and liver through everyday activities such as poor diet, pollution, stress, and tobacco.
Even some medications have been known to build up toxins in the kidney and liver. Luckily, nutmeg is an effective liver and kidney detoxifier.
Because nutmeg is a tonic, it can eliminate the toxins that accumulate in the liver and kidney. Also, due to its tonic nature, nutmeg is proven to be effective in preventing and dissolving kidney stones.
The spice has been used to dissolve kidney stones since ancient Chinese medical practices.
Benefits Of Nutmeg To Females And Its Side Effects
Strengthens intellectual function
Nutmeg oil is a potent brain booster. This spice is known to not only stimulate the brain but also eliminate mental exhaustion and stress.
On top of that, the components of nutmeg’s essential oil, namely myristicin, and macelignan, have been proven to reduce the degradation of neural pathways and cognitive function.
These conditions often afflict people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. However, thanks to a recent study, myristicin and macelignan were discovered to slow down the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s while keeping the brain performing at a normal and healthy level.
By ingesting a few pinches of nutmeg powder with your meal, you can prevent and slow down the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Helps digestion
Are you are suffering from digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, or gas? Nutmeg is a great remedy for your tummy.
Just a pinch of nutmeg in your soups or stew will result in instant relief. This is because Nutmeg contains essential oils which have a carminative effect on one’s digestive system.
Also, nutmeg induces the secretion of various gastric and intestinal juices that ease the digestive process.
In addition to this, the high fiber content in nutmeg has been observed to aid in bowel movement and generally prevent constipation.
The spice has also been known to help eliminate excessive gas from one’s digestive tract when ingested.
Nutmeg Uses
Nutmeg has a variety of everyday applications ranging from soothing eczema and regulating acne to fighting insomnia, revitalizing hair growth, and even curing diarrhea.
Aside from flavoring food and its medicinal properties, there are endless simple ways to use nutmeg. Below are a few tips on how to use nutmeg.
How to use nutmeg to regulate acne
Nutmeg has anti-inflammatory properties. This means that nutmeg can effectively reduce the appearance of pimples and acne. In addition to that, nutmeg is also known to have curative properties that heal the scars left behind by acne and sunspots.
Here’s how you can use nutmeg to make an effective homemade face scrub.
Step one
Mix baking soda, raw honey, and clove oil to make a thick yet spreadable paste.
Step two
Add in freshly squeezed lemon juice to break up the mixture even further. The lemon juice will help eliminate the spots left by the acne.
Step three
Add a teaspoon of nutmeg to the paste and mix. Ensure that the paste has a thick yet spreadable consistency.
Step four
Massage the mixture into your skin and leave it on for two minutes as a face mask.
Step five
Rinse your face off with lukewarm water and gently dry your face.
How to use nutmeg to soothe eczema
Eczema or dermatitis is a skin condition in which patches of skin become easily irritable or inflamed. Fortunately, the condition can be easily managed at home using nutmeg to make an eczema paste.
Because nutmeg is known to contain vitamins A and C, it acts as a powerful antioxidant which makes it good for your skin.
Likewise, nutmeg’s anti-inflammatory properties also go a long way when it comes to soothing and managing eczema. You can make an eczema face mask at home by following these simple steps:
Step one
Break and grind three nutmeg seeds into fine pieces. You can do this by crushing the seeds using a rinsed stone.
Step two
Add the nutmeg pieces into a blender to grind them even further.
Step three
Gradually add in water as you blend the mixture into a fine, consistent paste.
Step four
Apply the mixture on the affected areas and leave the paste on for a few minutes then rinse off with water.
How to use nutmeg to cure diarrhea
According to a study published in 2005 in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, nutmeg was discovered to inhibit the growth of the rotavirus. This virus is known to cause diarrhea in children.
Besides, ancient Chinese medicine used nutmeg to soothe stomach pains and this knowledge has been passed on through several generations. Nutmeg can be used to make a simple home remedy to cure diarrhea.
Here are the simple steps:
Step one
Mix a ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg with ½ teaspoon of ground coffee.
Step two
Add in water and mix everything until the nutmeg and coffee are well dissolved.
Step three
Drink the mixture
Another home remedy for diarrhea using nutmeg includes the following steps:
Step one
Mix flour, nutmeg, white sugar, and salt in a clean drinking glass.
Step two
Add water to the mixture as you stir and keep stirring until the combination is well mixed.
Step three
Drink the mixture every four hours to feel the soothing effects of nutmeg on your irritated stomach.
How to use nutmeg to calm chest colds
Nutmeg has always been used to calm chest colds and decongest blocked chests. The spice has soothing properties that work wonders on a congested chest.
Making this home remedy requires little to no effort yet it is an effective reliever that works fast. For this home remedy, you will need nutmeg, a brown paper bag, and some butter.
Here are the simple steps for making an effective nutmeg balm for chest colds.
Step one
Cut a six-inch piece of paper from a brown paper bag and slather one side of it with butter.
Step two
On the slathered side, sprinkle some ground nutmeg. The sticky butter will hold the nutmeg in place.
Step three
Place the slathered side on the chest while lying down and cover with a towel or warm blanket.
Step four
Stay warm and rest as the nutmeg works its magic. The soothing effects will kick in after a few minutes.
How to use nutmeg to fight insomnia
Insomnia management has been on the list of health benefits of nutmeg for ages. This is because nutmeg has been known to have calming effects when consumed in small doses.
Various ancient medicine practices encouraged the use of nutmeg powder to treat sleeplessness. This remedy is easy to make in a home set-up and works like a charm on sleepless children.
You can make this remedy by following these simple steps:
Step one
Mix a pinch of nutmeg with a spoon of honey.
Step two
Drink the mixture fifteen minutes before bed for a good night’s sleep.
Another simple home remedy for fighting insomnia using nutmeg includes:
Step one
Crush and grind nutmeg seeds and put them in a bowl of water.
Step two
Bring the mixture to a boil.
Step three
Turn off the heat and strain the mixture.
Step four
Drink the tea after dinner as you relax and prepare for a good night’s sleep.
Benefits Of Nutmeg To Females And Its Side Effects
The Side Effects of Nutmeg
When nutmeg is ingested in high quantities, it is known to have several side effects.
A large dosage of about 30 grams (equivalent to 6 tablespoons) can be toxic. This can result in a variety of side effects ranging from hallucinations, double vision, disorientation, convulsions, and in some extreme cases, death.
Less dramatic side effects of excessive nutmeg consumption include excessive thirst, chest and stomach pains as well as a dry mouth.
Special Precaution
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Nutmeg is possibly unsafe if taken in large amounts by mouth in doses larger than the amount put in food. For pregnant women, it can cause miscarriage or birth defects.
There is no much information on the side effect of using it for those that are breastfeeding, but you should stay safe and avoid its use.
Research also shows that taking a high dose of nutmeg may also reduce fertility.
Amazing Facts About Nutmeg
Did you know that the nutmeg tree does not only produce one spice but two? The nutmeg fruit produces both the nutmeg spice and also mace.
Although nutmeg and mace have similar tastes. Mace has a noticeably stronger flavor.
Did you know that the nutmeg tree originates from Banda? Banda is the largest of the Moluccas Spice Islands in Indonesia. It is from this island that nutmeg seeds were exported and eventually distributed all over the globe.
Did you know that the Dutch waged a raging war against the natives of Banda so that they could control the production of nutmeg?
In the 1790s, nutmeg was a relatively pricey spice that fueled the lucrative spice economy in the West Indies due to its high demand.
Did you know that nutmeg was used as an aphrodisiac by the ancient Greeks? Nutmeg has been known to increase erotic sensations as well as vitality for both men and women.
Nutmeg has always been recognized and used as an essential spice. There is historical evidence of the use of nutmeg dating back as far as the Greeks’ civilization as well as during the Roman times.
Spice has always been recognized for its medicinal value as well as its ability to add flavor to food and pastries. The best part is, this spice is always in season and can be cultivated and harvested any time of the year.
It is also readily available in retail stores or supermarkets for purchase. The numerous nutmeg benefits have made it an important spice to always have in your kitchen cabinets for emergency use.
Always store your nutmeg in a cool dry place.
Benefits Of Nutmeg To Females And Its Side Effects
Good to know